§ 10-4. Signs.
(a) Legislative finding.
The City Council finds that the preservation of the natural beauty of Baltimore City requires the limitation of signs advertising prices of motor vehicle fuels at places dispersing fuels in Baltimore City. Such limitation will equally serve to protect the safety and recreational value of public travel on streets in the City and will better protect the public investment in its streets and highways. In furtherance of these purposes, the following limitations are enacted.
(b) Price signs on pumps.
(1) Every retail dealer in motor fuel shall publicly display and maintain on each pump or other dispensing device, from which motor fuel is sold by him, at least 1 sign and not more than 2 signs stating the price per gallon of the motor fuel, the State and Federal taxes, and the total price, sold by him from such pump or device.
(2) Said sign or signs shall be of a size not larger than 8 inches by 10 inches.
(3) The price shown on each of such signs shall include an itemization of the cost per gallon of said motor fuel, the amount of Federal taxes, and the amount of State taxes.
(4) All figures, including fractions, upon said signs, other than figures and fractions used in any price-computing mechanism constituting a part of any such pump or dispensing device, shall be of the same size.
(c) Credit price must be displayed.
If a retail dealer in motor fuel posts a sign under § 10-315(e) of the State Business Regulation Article, the sign must include, clearly and visibly, the highest credit price.
(d) Other price signs prohibited.
No signs stating or relating to the prices of motor fuel and no signs designed or calculated to cause the public to believe that they state or relate to the price of motor fuel, other than the signs referred to in subsections (b) and (c) of this section and required to be displayed upon pumps and other dispensing devices, shall be posted or displayed on or about the premises where motor fuel is sold at retail, and within the view of any public highway or reservation.