§ 12-7. Daily reports required.
(a) In general.
(1) Each dealer shall submit to the Police Commissioner a daily report of each transaction in which a person transfers items to the dealer on that day.
(2) The dealer shall forward the daily report to the Police Department, as provided in § 12-8 of this subtitle.
(b) Scope of reports.
Except as provided in this subtitle, the daily report shall contain the information specified in subsection (c) of this section for:
(1) each item transferred; or
(2) each group of substantially similar items transferred as part of 1 transaction.
(c) Information required.
The daily report shall include:
(1) the date, place, and time of each transaction, including the location where the dealer purchased or received the item or group of items;
(2) a description of the item or group of items, including:
(i) the specific type and number of items;
(ii) the manufacturer, model number, and year of manufacture, if known, and any soundex number or unique identifying number found on the item;
(iii) the color, size, style, and approximate age;
(iv) for jewelry (other than costume jewelry meeting standards set by the Police Commissioner), a description by weight (if payment is based on weight), style, gender, number and configuration of stones, and any initials or distinguishing marks or inscriptions;
(v) a statement of whether or not the item appears to have been altered by any means, including:
(A) obscuring a serial number or identifying feature;
(B) melting; or
(C) recutting a gem; and
(vi) the amount paid or other consideration;
(3) for each individual from whom the dealer acquires an item:
(i) the individual's name, date of birth, and license number from a clearly identifiable driver's license;
(ii) identification information about the individual that:
(A) positively identifies the individual from at least 2 forms of identification, which may include an age of majority card, military identification, passport, or other similar photographic identification; and
(B) provides a physical description of the individual, including the sex, race, date of birth, any distinguishing features, and weight of the individual; or
(iii) a statement by the dealer that:
(A) the dealer has known the transferor of the item for 10 years or longer and knows that the transferor has lived at his/her current residence for not less than 3 years;
(B) that the specific information required by subitems (i) or (ii) of this item (3) is retained in the dealer's records; and
(C) that a record of the transaction signed by the individual from whom the item is acquired is retained in the dealer's records;
(4) if the individual from whom the dealer acquires the item is acting as an agent for a principal, the same information for the principal as that which is required by item (3) of this subsection to be given for the agent;
(5) a statement indicating whether or not the person making the transfer is personally known to the dealer; and
(6) the signature of the dealer who accepted the item and, except for a transaction reported under item (3)(iii) of this subsection, the signature of the individual from whom the item is acquired.