City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 14-8. Vacant structures.

(a) Scope of section.

This section only applies to real property that has a vacant building notice that remained unabated at the time of sale.

(b) In general.

On or before entering into a contract for the sale of any real property, the seller must disclose to the buyer in writing:

(1) {whether} the property had been issued a vacant building notice by the City; and

(2) whether the vacant building notice has been abated by the seller or if it remains unabated.

(c) Form of disclosure.

The disclosure required by this section shall read as stated:

For someone to legally inhabit a property in Baltimore City, the property must not have a Vacant Building Notice issued by the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development. Sellers and buyers can check and verify by reviewing the Baltimore City Code Map: [insert link], or by calling Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development: [insert phone number].

This property has [ ] does not have [ ] a current Vacant Building Notice.

_____ Seller's Initials

Only a validly-issued Use and Occupancy Permit certificate can remove the Vacant Building Notice and permit human occupation.

_____ Seller's Initials

(d) Penalty.

Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction, is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 for each offense.