City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 6-1. Definitions.

(a) In general.

The following words and terms, when used in this subtitle, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.

(b) {Repealed}

(c) License.

"License" shall mean a license issued under the authority of this subtitle to conduct a sale in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle.

(d) Licensee.

"Licensee" shall mean a person to whom a license has been issued.

(e) Licensor.

"Licensor" shall mean the Director of Finance of Baltimore City.

(f) Going Out of Business Sale.

(1) "Going Out of Business Sale" shall mean and include any sale which is publicly advertised to be a termination of business by the owner or operator of said business, his agent or agents, or a cessation of the operation of said business, or a cessation of the operation of said business under its then known name, or a transfer to a new name.

(2) "Going Out of Business Sale" shall include specifically, although not exclusively:

(i) "Quitting Business Sale", "Benefit of Creditors Sale", "Building Coming Down Sale", "Benefit of Trustees Sale", "Creditors Committee Sale", "Creditors Sale", "Forced Out Sale", "Assignee Sale", "Forced Out of Business Sale", "Insolvent Sale", "Liquidation Sale", "Loss of Lease Sale", "Mortgage Sale", "Outselling Sale", "Selling Out Sale", "We Quit Sale", "We Give Up Sale", "Fixtures for Sale", "Retiring Our Name Sale", "Changing Our Name Sale", and any other advertising or designation by any other expression or characterization closely similar to any of the foregoing and calculated to convey substantially the same meaning;

(ii) all sales accompanied by notices or advertising indicating that the premises are available for purchase or lease, or are otherwise to be vacated;

(iii) all sales advertised in any manner calculated to convey to the public the information or belief that, upon the disposal of the goods to be placed on sale, the business being conducted at any location will cease, or be discontinued, or otherwise to be vacated or transferred, surrendered or handed over to a successor in business or conducted under a new name; and

(iv) any sale advertised or represented as anticipatory of, or to avoid the termination, liquidation, revision, wind-up, discontinuance, conclusion, dissolution, or abandonment of the business conducted at any location.

(g) Advertise.

(1) "Advertise" shall mean to publish, circulate, disseminate, or place before the public in any way or through any media whatever, for the purpose of the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise.

(2) "Advertise" shall specifically, although not exclusively, include advertising by outside or inside signs, including neon or other electrical signs, advertising by radio, telephone, television, newspaper, magazine, book, notice, circular, pamphlet, letter, handbill, poster, placard card, price tag or card, label, or any other way similar or dissimilar to the foregoing.