§ 6-6. License for branch stores.
(a) Others may not participate.
If the applicant for a "Gong Out of Business Sale" license owns, conducts, or operates more than 1 store or branch store and only 1 store or branch store is to go out of business and cease operations:
(1) the license issued will apply only to the 1 store or branch for which it was applied for and issued;
(2) no other store or branch may advertise or represent in any way that it is cooperating with or participating in any way in the licensed "Going Out of Business Sale"; and
(3) neither the licensed store nor any person may advertise or represent that any other store or branch is cooperating with or participating in the licensed "Going Out of Business Sale".
(b) Location and inventory restrictions.
The "Going Out of Business Sale" conducted by any store or branch of a chain or group of stores:
(1) shall be conducted solely at the location of the branch or store for which the license was obtained, and
(2) no goods, wares, or merchandise shall be brought from any other branch or store and placed on sale at the branch or store licensed to conduct a "Going Out of Business Sale".