§ 14. Social Security Act.
The enrollment in and membership of any members of the Retirement System in the Social Security System, for benefits under the Act of Congress known generally as "The Social Security Act of 1935", as amended from time to time, shall at all times be separate and apart from and in addition to their membership in and benefits from the Retirement System; and such enrollment and membership in the Social Security System shall in no way impair, decrease or adversely affect any of the existing rights, benefits or expectancies of the members of the Retirement System.
Any plan submitted for the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore by or on behalf of the Retirement System to the State agency provided for in Title 36 {"Social Security Benefits"} of the State Personnel and Pensions Article for such enrollment and membership for the members of the Retirement System, shall include a stipulation that such action is being taken and will be continued with full regard for and observance of the provisions of this section.