City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-2. Board composition.

(a) In general.

(1) The Board consists of the following 13 trustees, all of whom serve with voting privileges:

(i) the Director of Finance or the Director's designated representative, who must be either the Deputy Director of Finance or the Budget Director;

(ii) the City Comptroller or the Comptroller's designated representative, who must be a Deputy Comptroller;

(iii) the Director of Human Resources;

(iv) the City Labor Commissioner;

(v) 2 representatives of the Baltimore City Public School System, to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System;

(vi) the President of AFSCME Local 44 or the President's designated representative;

(vii) the President of the City Union of Baltimore ("CUB") or the President's designated representative;

(viii) the President of the Managerial and Professional Society of Baltimore, Inc. ("MAPS") or the President's designated representative;

(ix) a representative jointly designated by the Baltimore Fire Officers Association and Baltimore City Lodge #3 Fraternal Order of Police;

(x) 2 residents and registered voters of the City of Baltimore, to be appointed by the Mayor in accordance with City Charter Article IV, §6; and

(xi) `a representative appointee to be designated by the City Council President.

(2) Appointed trustees – Qualifications.

Each of the 2 trustees appointed under paragraph (1)(x) of this subsection must have at least 10 years of relevant institutional investment management expertise or other equivalent experience and may not be an official or employee of the City at the time of his or her appointment or during the entire term of office.

(3) Appointed trustees – Term of office.

(i) Each of the 3 trustees appointed under paragraph (1)(x) and (xi) of this subsection serves for a term of 4 years, concurrent with the term of the Mayor and the City Council President.

(ii) At the end of a term, an appointed member continues to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies.

(iii) If appointed to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term, a trustee serves only for the remainder of that term.

(b) Service without regard to political affiliation.

Notwithstanding City Charter Article IV, § 8, trustees may be appointed or hold their positions without regard to political affiliation.