City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-2. Recycling plan.

(a) Commission on Sustainabilty to develop.

The Commission on Sustainability shall prepare and implement a comprehensive recycling plan for recycling and composting at facilities operated by the City, individuals, and corporations, as prescribed in City Code Article 5, Subtitle 34 {"Commission on Sustainability"}.

(b) Scope of plan.

The plan shall include:

(1) provisions for a City recycling and composting facility;

(2) standards for the operation of private individual and corporate recycling and composting facilities;

(3) provisions for residential and food and beverage business recycling programs, including:

(i) an expansion of the scope of recyclable materials to be collected from residential and food and beverage business locations;

(ii) improvements in frequency and scheduling of pickup of recyclable materials from residential and food and beverage business locations;

(iii) performance measures for evaluating recycling services;

(iv) an analysis of the fiscal impact of complying with this recycling plan;

(4) provisions for a local food waste composting program for food and beverage businesses;

(5) an analysis of the fiscal impact of complying with the recycling and composting plan; and

(6) any other provisions relating to the process of providing for a comprehensive recycling and composting plan for the City of Baltimore.