City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-1. Collection.

(a) Finance to collect.

The bills for water used or work done by the Department of Public Works shall be collected by the Department of Finance.

(b) When due.

Unless abated under this subtitle, all bills therefor shall be paid within 20 days after they have been issued.

(c) Cut-off on default.

Subject to the requirements of this article, on default in payment for bills issued under this section, the Department of Public Works may cut off the supply.

(d) Copy of bill to tenant-water-utility customer.

Any landlord that requires a residential tenant to pay for the costs of water or wastewater services shall:

(1) include that requirement in a written lease, as provided in City Code Article 13, § 7-3(a-1); and

(2) either:

(i) timely provide the tenant with a copy of the water or wastewater bill; or

(ii) timely notify the Department that a copy of the bill should be sent to the tenant.

(e) Tenant-water-utility customer requests.

The property owner's or managing operator's refusal or failure to participate in a tenant-water-utility-customer's request to the Department for a discount, bill adjustment, payment plan, or other agency action may not be grounds for the Department to deny the request.