City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-23. Office of Customer Advocacy . . . – Committee for Office Oversight.

(a) Committee established.

There is a Committee for Office Oversight.

(b) Composition.

The Committee comprises the following 7 members:

(1) the Inspector General or the Inspector General's designee;

(2) the City Auditor or the City Auditor's designee;

(3) the Mayor or the Mayor's designee;

(4) the City Council President or the President's designee; and

(5) 3 City Councilmembers, appointed by the City Council President.

(c) Officers.

The Committee:

(1) shall elect one of its members to serve as the Chair of the Committee; and

(2) may elect from among its members any other officers that the Committee considers necessary or appropriate.

(d) Meetings, quorum, etc.

(1) The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or at the call of a majority of Committee members, as frequently as required to perform its duties.

(2) 4 members of the Committee constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

(3) An affirmative vote of at least 4 members is needed for any official action.

(4) All meetings of the Commission must be conducted in accordance with the State Open Meetings Act (State General Provisions Article, Title 3).

(e) Oversight duties.

The Committee shall:

(1) review and evaluate the activities and operations of the Office, including the performance of its customer-advocacy problem-solving services and its appeals function;

(2) provide advice and guidance to the Office and recommend new or modified policies and procedures that the Committee considers necessary or appropriate for the more effective operation of the Office; and

(3) to these ends, hold at least 2 publicly advertised hearings a year at which:

(i) the Office Administrator shall appear and report on:

(A) the status of Office activities and operations; and

(B) the Office's recommendations for changes necessary or appropriate to further promote fairness to customers and resolving customer concerns; and

(ii) the public may attend and testify on the efficacy of the Office's activities and operations and any need for further modifications to these activities and operations.