City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-7. Water-for-All Program – Application for Program.

(a) How submitted.

A customer may submit a Water-for-All Discount Program application to the Department online, in person, or by mail.

(b) Requisites for complete application.

Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a complete application, signed and dated by the customer or the customer's authorized representative, must include:

(1) the names of all household members;

(2) the estimated annual household income for the current calendar year;

(3) if the applicant is a tenant:

(i) a statement, separately signed and dated by the customer or the customer's authorized representative, that the tenant is a tenant-water-utility customer;

(ii) the name and address of the landlord; and

(iii) if applicable, verification that the tenant pays a separate amount for water or wastewater services to the landlord (e.g., by copy of the rental or lease agreement so indicating);

(4) a statement, separately signed and dated by all members of the household whose income will be evaluated for the Program, allowing the Director to obtain verification, through any appropriate sources, about statements made or documents presented by members of the household whose income will be evaluated for the Program during the application process;

(5) a certification:

(i) that the recipient will notify the Department immediately if the actual annual household income exceeds the amount stated in the application; and

(ii) that, if the actual income renders the recipient ineligible, the recipient will fully and promptly cooperate with the Department in its efforts, under § 2-11(c) {"Water-for-All ... – Midyear ineligibility"} of this subtitle, to recover credits distributed for any period of ineligibility; and

(6) a certification, separately signed and dated by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative, that all answers to the questions and items on the application form are true and accurate to the best of the applicant's knowledge.

(c) Verification.

On request by the Director for good cause, the applicant shall:

(1) provide verification of the information provided on the application; and

(2) submit for review the relevant Federal, State, or City income tax return or other acceptable evidence.

(d) Exception for enrollees in certain State programs.

(1) Instead of the application set forth in this section, an applicant who demonstrates that he or she is already a participant in any State program where eligibility is established by income of less than 200% of the Federal government's official guidelines, is deemed eligible for the Water-for-All Discount Program.

(2) The Director shall provide a streamlined application process for these applicants and may not require any other income verification for Program eligibility.