§ 14-1. Surcharge imposed.
(a) Iteration 1.
In addition to normal sewer charges, which are based on the volume of wastewater discharged into the public sanitary sewers, there shall be levied a surcharge for discharging into the sanitary sewer system any wastewater which exceeds the maximum values of polluting materials established by the surcharge formula in § 14-3 of this subtitle.
(b) Iteration 2.
There is hereby imposed an annual surcharge, established by the surcharge formula in § 14-3 of this subtitle, for the use of, and the services rendered by, the plants, properties, works, systems, or facilities, or any part thereof, which are owned or controlled by the City, for discharging any wastewater into the sanitary sewer system and/or storm sewer system which exceeds the maximum values of polluting materials.