§ 16-8. Work by City.
(a) Commissioner to notify Director.
Should any owner of any such property refuse, neglect, or fail to comply with any of the terms or requirements of their said notice within the time therein stated or the extension thereof, if extended as provided in § 16-6 hereof, then upon the expiration of the time limited in said notice, if no application has been made for an extension, or upon the expiration of the extended time, if any extension has been granted as hereinabove provided, the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development is hereby empowered and directed to make written request upon the Director of Public Works of Baltimore City to make the necessary connection and do the other work hereinabove required to be done in and upon such property.
(b) Director to perform work.
Thereupon, the said Director is hereby directed to:
(1) perform all the work required of the said owner of said property;
(2) supply all the materials needed therefor; and
(3) keep an accurate account of the cost of such materials and work upon each of such properties separately.
(c) Report of work.
Upon the completion of the work, the said Director shall make a written report stating, as to each property separately:
(1) that the said connections have been made and said work done;
(2) the costs of the labor and material required in doing the same, to which he shall add a lump sum of $50 as a penalty upon the owner for failing to comply with this subtitle and to cover administrative or supervisory expenses;
(3) the description of the property by street and number; and
(4) the name of the owner.
(d) Notice of expenses to owner.
Thereupon the Director shall:
(1) notify the owner of said property of the amount of the total expense; and
(2) in said notice, appoint a day for such owner to appear before him and show cause if any exists why said total expense should not be charged against the said property.
(e) Charge of expenses to owner.
(1) If such party shall fail to appear within the time limited, or fail to show any just reason why said charge should not be made, the Director shall cause such charge to be entered in the records to be provided for that purpose and kept in the office of the Director of Finance.
(2) Said records shall show the amount of the expense for making the sewer connection and the date when said expense was incurred by the Director and said administrative charge or penalty.
(3) The interest herein directed to be charged shall be at the rate set from time to time by the Board of Estimates.
(f) Administrative review.
Any person thus charged with the expense of such connection, as hereinabove provided, shall have the same right of appeal to the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals and within the same time and by the same procedure, as is now provided by law.