City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 17-1. Disturbing sewer or stormwater drain.

(a) Prohibited conduct.

Any person who shall:

(1) willfully, intentionally, or negligently damage, obstruct, stop, or otherwise interfere with any sewer or stormwater drain in the City;

(2) willfully, intentionally, or negligently place any obstruction or any matter in such sewer or stormwater drain of a nature to obstruct the same, and which shall obstruct the same and cause damage; or

(3) willfully, intentionally, or negligently place any obstruction or any matter in any connection or sewer on public or private property or fixture connecting with the sewerage system, of a nature to obstruct or otherwise interfere with the said sewer or connection on such public or private property, and which shall obstruct the same and cause damage,

shall, upon notification by the City, take immediate action to correct the cause of the obstruction.

(b) Penalties.

This person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof:

(1) shall be subject to a fine, imprisonment, or both, as provided in § 23-3 of this article; and

(2) shall be liable for costs incurred as a consequence of such obstruction, damage, or interference as provided in Subtitle 22 of this article.