§ 2-10. Measurement of discharges to sanitary sewers.
(a) Submission of information.
All persons who:
(1) discharge or desire to discharge to the sanitary sewers, industrial wastes or wastewaters other than sanitary, or
(2) store, use, or generate toxic or prohibited substances and have access to the sewer system,
shall furnish the City with data covering quantity and variations of flow and concentrations of constituents to be discharged, including averages and peaks or slugs, and volumes of toxic or prohibited substances stored and/or generated.
(b) Director to determine required regulation, etc.
After the Director of Public Works has satisfied himself of the accuracy and completeness of the information provided, he shall determine what regulation of discharge is required and what permits, if any, are necessary.
(c) Installation of measuring facilities.
Where the required data and information cannot be provided, the Director of Public Works:
(1) may require installation of facilities for measuring flow and concentration of the discharge, at the expense of the user; and
(2) will establish regulations, agreements, and charges based upon the results of these measurements.
(d) Additional information for discharge of industrial wastes.
(1) Upon request of the City, any discharger or potential discharger of industrial wastes into the treatment plant may be required to submit plans, reports, questionnaires, notices, or analytical data to evaluate waste discharge characteristics and ensure compliance with this article.
(2) These required documents may include baseline monitoring reports, compliance reports, periodic self-monitoring reports, compliance schedule progress reports, violation reports, and notice of slug loadings, upset, bypass, or any other reporting requirement specified in 40 CFR 403.12.