City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-4. Prohibited discharges into sanitary or storm sewers.

(a) In general.

No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into any sanitary or storm sewer any of the following described substances, materials, liquids, or wastes.

(b) Flammable or explosive substances.

(1) No person may discharge or cause to be discharged any flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gaseous material or other substance which may be injurious to the system, including but not limited to any pollutant causing the wastestream to have a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140°F. or 60°C., using the test methods specified in the 40 CFR 261.21.

(2) However, segregated solvents or quantities of solvents which can be separated from the wastestream through best management practices are strictly prohibited from discharge to the sanitary sewerage system. These materials are to be strictly controlled, and industries discharging detectable levels of these materials must have a solvent management plan, approved by the Director, in full force and effect. At no time shall the reading on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of the user's discharge into the system, be greater than the level established by the Director.

(c) Hot liquids or vapors.

No person may discharge or cause to be discharged liquids or vapors having a temperature sufficiently high:

(1) to cause damage to the public sewers;

(2) to cause vapors hazardous to personnel working in the sewers; or

(3) causing the temperature of the influent at a wastewater treatment plant to exceed 104°F. or 40°C.;

such temperatures unless otherwise noted to be 150°F. or 65°C.

(d) Obstructionist solids or viscous substances.

(1) No person may discharge or cause to be discharged any solid or viscous substance in quantities capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or interference with the option of the sewer system.

(2) Such materials include, but are not limited to, ashes, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, paunch manure, hair, fleshings, entrails, lime slurries, concentrated distillery slops, chemical or plant residues, paraffins, bulk solids, and free floating oil.

(e) Noxious or malodorous substances.

No person may discharge or cause to be discharged any noxious or malodorous solid, liquid, or gas which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, is capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life or of preventing entrance into sewers for their maintenance and repair.

(f) Pollutants creating toxic gases, etc.

No person may discharge or cause to be discharged pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems.

(g) Radioactive materials.

(1) Radioactive materials shall be discharged only after a permit is issued by the City of Baltimore.

(2) The issuance of said permit shall be contingent upon the person being authorized to use radioactive materials by the State Department of the Environment, its successor, or other governmental agency empowered to regulate the use of radioactive materials.

(3) In addition, the waste shall be discharged in strict conformity with current state and federal regulations and recommendations for safe disposal.

(h) Wastewater from hydraulic fracturing.

(1) Definitions.

In this subsection, "flow back" and "hydraulic fracturing" have the meanings stated in City Health Article § 7-501.

(2) Discharge prohibited.

No person may discharge or cause to be discharged into any sanitary or storm sewer any flow back or other wastewater resulting from hydraulic fracturing.