§ 11-1. Work done by property owners.
(a) Scope.
This section applies whenever any unpaved street, lane, avenue, or alley:
(1) is used as a public thoroughfare; and
(2) either:
(i) is without a proper footway; or
(ii) the footway along the street, lane, avenue, or alley is out of repair or in a bad, unsafe, or dangerous condition.
(b) Director to notify owners.
The Director of Transportation must notify the owners of the lots binding or abutting on the unpaved street, lane, avenue, or alley in the same manner that notice is required to be given under Subtitle 10 of this article.
(c) Tenor of notice.
The notice must require the owner as follows:
(1) in an area where no streetscape plan is in effect, to construct a footway out of cinders, crushed stone, wood, or other suitable material or to repair or put in good condition any already-existing footway within 5 days from the time the notice is given; and
(2) in an area subject to a streetscape plan approved in accordance with Subtitle 10A of this article, to construct a footway or to repair or put in good condition an already-existing footway strictly in accordance with the streetscape plan.