City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 13-1. Street lamps, etc.

(a) Contracts for services.

The Department of Transportation, subject to the powers of the Board of Estimates, shall make all contracts:

(1) for furnishing, operating, and maintaining lamps and lamp standards;

(2) for furnishing steam for public buildings; and

(3) for furnishing illuminating gas and electric current for street lamps and public buildings.

(b) Maintaining street lamps.

The Department of Transportation must:

(1) regulate the lighting and cleaning of the City lamps and see that they are kept in proper repair;

(2) erect new lamp standards and lamps for lighting the highways, streets, lanes, alleys, bridges, parks, and squares in the City;

(3) remove or relocate any lamp standards and lamps whenever and wherever, in its judgment, convenience and necessity of the public may require;

(4) make monthly statements of the street gas lamps and ascertain the correct rate or rates of gas consumption for all such lamps; and

(5) ensure that, on or before June 30th 2013, all City electric street lamps are equipped with energy efficient light emitting diode lights or similar cost-effective technology.