City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-3. Concrete; oil products; weight on asphalt.

(a) Mixing mortar, etc.

It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to mix mortar, cement, or concrete, or to cause mortar, cement, or concrete to be mixed, on any type of pavement on any street, lane, or alley in the City unless the pavement is protected by a tight platform or mixing box constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Transportation and in accordance with the Baltimore City Building Code.

(b) Spilling oil products.

Nor shall it be lawful for any person, firm, or corporation to cause or permit gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, naphtha, benzine, or any other oil or lubricating or illuminating fluid to fall, flow, or drip on any type of pavement on any street, lane, or alley in the City.

(c) Weight-bearing devices on asphalt.

Nor shall it be lawful to place any stick, trestle, or other supporting device bearing any weight whatsoever, for any purpose, upon any sheet asphalt or other bituminous pavement on any street, lane, or alley in the City, unless the said stick, trestle, or other supporting device shall have a flat base resting upon the pavement of not less than 12 inches square.

(d) Penalties.

Under a penalty not exceeding $25 for each violation of any provision of this section.