§ 24-2. Conditions and limitations.
(a) Single system.
Such conduits and manholes shall be constructed by either or both of said companies as parts of one system, at their, or their respective cost and expense.
(b) Supervision of DoT.
(1) Before constructing any portion of the conduit or conduits, the companies shall file with the Director of Transportation a plan showing the location and character of the portion or portions of the conduit or conduits next proposed to be constructed.
(2) Every conduit or part thereof shall be constructed under the supervision of the Director of Transportation.
(c) Damage to other property.
(1) Such conduits and manholes shall be constructed in such manner as not to injure any vault, sewer, water pipe, or gas pipe.
(2) All paving that is temporarily removed by the the companies in the course of constructing any conduit or conduits authorized by § 24-1 of this subtitle, shall be restored or replaced, under the direction and superintendence of the Director of Transportation, by the companies or company constructing the conduit or conduits, at their or its expense, in a manner satisfactory to the Director.
(d) Powers of companies acting jointly.
Provided, however, that the said two companies, if acting together, shall have and possess the powers and privileges only which might have been exercised by one of said companies if acting alone under this subtitle.
(e) House connections.
And said companies so acting separately or jointly in constructing said system of underground wires shall have power to make the necessary house-connections in localities where the same may be required, in such manner as may be best adapted to the location by means of any wire or wires from such cable or cables.