§ 24-5. Space for police and fire needs.
(a) Police and fire alarm wires.
In every underground conduit constructed under the provisions of this subtitle, space shall be provided, if required, free of cost or rent for the laying therein by the Fire Department of Baltimore City of a cable for the exclusive and official use only of the police and the Fire Communications Division and police and patrol wires.
(b) Police and fire alarm telegraph.
In every underground conduit heretofore or hereafter constructed by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Baltimore City, or the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, or both, by virtue of this subtitle, space shall be provided free of cost or rent, if required by the Fire Department, for the laying therein by the said Fire Department of a cable, or cables or wires for the exclusive and official use only of the Police and Fire Communications Division and police and patrol wires and such wire or wires as may be necessary for supplying current to electric lights upon or over the fire alarm boxes under the jurisdiction of the said Fire Department.