§ 40-17. Composition.
(a) In general.
The Advisory Committee comprises the following officials (or their respective designees):
(1) the Transportation Director;
(2) the Director of the City Department of Planning;
(3) the Director of City Department of Public Works;
(4) The Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development; and
(5) The Chief of the Baltimore City Fire Department.
(b) Participation by and collaboration with Maryland Transit Administration.
(1) The Chair of the Committee must include and extend to the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) all invitations and opportunities for participation with the Advisory Committee as would be extended to any statutory member, exactly as if MTA were a member of the Committee.
(2) Further, the Chair must, to the greatest extent possible, foster the strongest possible collaboration with MTA to pursue the goals of this subtitle.
(c) Chair.
The Transportation Director is the Chair of the Advisory Committee.
(d) Subcommittees.
Subcommittees may be established.