City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 7-3. Procedure for naming or renaming.

(a) Referral to agencies.

Whenever a bill is introduced in the City Council to name or rename any public street, avenue, or other thoroughfare in Baltimore City, the bill shall at once be referred to the Department of Transportation and to the Department of Planning's Historical and Architectural Preservation Division for a written report as to the advisability of the proposed name.

(b) Reports required for action.

The Department of Transportation and the Historical and Architectural Preservation Division shall submit their reports as soon as practicable, and no further action may be taken by the City Council on the bill pending the receipt of those reports.

(c) Guidelines.

In naming or changing the name of any street, avenue, or other thoroughfare, the following guidelines shall be observed:

(1) the name may not be the same as the name of an existing street, avenue, or thoroughfare;

(2) the name may not be the name of a living person or persons;

(3) the name may not be the name of an existing or proposed business or of an existing or proposed product of a business; and

(4) the name shall be given to the entire length of the street, avenue, or thoroughfare.