§ 3-5. Subsequent rates.
(a) In general.
For all fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2017, the Board of Estimates, on the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Finance, may change the rates for the stormwater remediation fee.
(b) Standard.
The rates shall be based on the share of stormwater management services related to a property and provided by the City.
(c) Public notice.
At least 30 days before taking any action on the Directors' recommendation, the Board of Estimates shall:
(1) publish notice of the recommendation;
(2) send the recommendations to the members of the City Council; and
(3) afford an opportunity for Councilmembers and the public to comment at a public hearing.
(d) Adoption of rates.
After the notice and opportunity to comment, the Board of Estimates may:
(1) adopt or modify the Directors' recommendation; and
(2) set the rates accordingly.