§ 29-1. Definitions.
(a) In general.
In this subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
(b) Advertising host.
"Advertising host" means a person who:
(1) owns or controls a billboard, posterboard, or other sign; and
(2) charges fees for its use as an outdoor advertising display.
(c) Finance Director; Director.
"Finance Director" or "Director" means the Director of Finance or a designee of the Director of Finance.
(d) Outdoor advertising display.
"Outdoor advertising display" means an outdoor display of a 10 square foot or larger image or message that directs attention to a business, commodity, service, event, or other activity that is:
(i) sold, offered, or conducted somewhere other than on the premises on which the display is made; and
(ii) sold, offered, or conducted on the premises only incidentally if at all.
(e) Square foot of advertising imagery.
"Square foot of advertising imagery" means a square foot of space occupied by an outdoor advertising display.