§ 9-5. New and expanded manufacturers, milk processors, laundries.
(a) Tools and implements.
In order to encourage and promote the location of new manufacturing industries, and the expansion, growth and development of established manufacturing industries, in Baltimore City, beginning on July 1, 1958, and continuing thereafter, all mechanical tools or implements regardless of the kind of motive power needed or used to operate them, machinery, motors, engines, apparatus, or equipment used entirely or chiefly in connection with manufacturing, and all machinery and equipment used in the pasteurization and processing of milk, and all laundry machinery when employed or used in the business of laundering, shall be exempt from taxation for all ordinary municipal purposes of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore:
(1) if and when such personal property is used by any new manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, located wholly within Baltimore City and if and when the plant or factory of such new manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, is completed and placed in operation after July 1, 1958; or
(2) if and when such personal property is acquired and used after July 1,1958, by an established manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, located wholly within Baltimore City for or in connection with the expansion, growth or development of such established manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, and the total assessed valuation of such personal property is in excess of $10,000 in each and every instance or particular case which is covered by the provisions of this subsection.
(b) Raw materials and manufactured products.
(1) Raw materials on hand and in the possession of, and manufactured products in the hands of, any new manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, located wholly within Baltimore City and whose plant or factory is completed and placed in operation after July 1, 1958, beginning on July 1, 1958, and continuing thereafter, shall be exempt from taxation for all ordinary municipal purposes of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
(2) Provided, the manufactured products in the hands of any such new manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, with the exception of milk in the hands of the processor and bread in the hands of the baker, and food and food products in the hands of the processor or manufacturer thereof, and held in the hands of any such new manufacturing, milk processing, or laundering industry, as the case may be, for sale at retail by such manufacturer, milk processor, or launderer, shall not be exempt from taxation under the terms and provisions of this section.
(3) In determining the fair average value of the inventory for sale at retail for the twelve months preceding the date of finality, it shall be presumed in the absence of clear evidence to the contrary that a ratio of the entire inventory held by the taxpayer during said period shall be subject to assessment equal to the ratio that the total retail sales bear to the total sales for such period.
(4) The terms "retail sale" and "sale at retail" as used in this section shall be construed to be a sale in any quantity or quantities of any tangible personal property to any person, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, as said terms are defined in the State Tax-General Article, when the sale is for any purpose other than those in which the purpose of the purchaser is:
(i) to resell the property so transferred in the form in which it is received by him or it; or
(ii) to use or incorporate the property so transferred as a material or part of other tangible personal property to be produced for sale by manufacturing, assembling, processing or refining.
(5) In case any such new manufacturer, milk processor, or launderer, as the case may be, shall also be engaged in the business of a jobber or a wholesaler, nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt from taxation the personal property, other than goods of his own manufacture or products produced by him, used in connection with said business of jobber or wholesaler.
(c) Obsolescence.
Provided, however, that no tax exemption is granted under the provisions of this section for the replacement of any of such personal property which has simply or merely deteriorated or become obsolete.
(d) Construction.
The tax exemption provided for in this section shall be in addition to any other exemption granted by any ordinance or law exempting such personal property from taxation.