City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 10-13. Petition.

(a) In general.

(1) To be considered for participation in the Residential Permit Parking Program, a community association, neighborhood group, or group of residents must submit to the Parking Authority a written request to be included in a new or existing Residential Permit Parking Area.

(2) The Authority will provide petitions to the requesting association or group.

(3) For a block face to be considered for participation in the proposed Residential Permit Parking Area, the association or group must obtain signatures on the petition from an adult member of at least 60% of the households on the block face,

(4) To be considered by the Parking Authority, the petitions issued by the Authority must be returned to the Authority within 120 days of their issuance. The Authority will not consider any petitions that the Authority has not provided.

(5) The Authority must validate the signatures on the petitions by confirming the identities and addresses of the persons signing.

(6) Failure to meet the 60% requirement for a block face eliminates the failing block face, but without affecting those block faces that meet the requirement, subject to subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Minimum size of area.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, petitions may only be considered for an area that contains at least 10 adjacent block faces or 100 curb parking spaces.

(2) Petitions from a smaller area shall be considered if:

(i) the area is completely surrounded by commercial, industrial, or institutional uses; or

(ii) the smaller area is impacted by an existing Residential Permit Parking Area.