City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 10-17. Parking Management Plan – Review.

(a) Agency comment.

(1) The Executive Director shall transmit the proposed Parking Management Plan to the Department of Planning for review and comment.

(2) The Department of Planning shall review the economic impact of the plan on the nonresidential uses in the area. This review shall consider, among other things, the adequacy of available and future off-street parking for these nonresidential uses.

(3) If there are special districts, historic areas or other special designations in or near the area, the Department of Planning shall transmit the proposed Plan to the appropriate City agencies for their comments.

(4) All comments shall be submitted to the Executive Director within 30 days.

(b) Public comment.

(1) The Executive Director shall present the proposed Parking Management Plan at a public meeting.

(2) At least 21 days' notice of the public meeting must be posted on the website of the Baltimore City Parking Authority and mailed to:

(i) all properties in the proposed Residential Parking Area;

(ii) all properties within 2 blocks of the boundary lines of the proposed Residential Parking Area;

(iii) the community associations for the areas in or within 2 blocks of the proposed Residential Parking Area;

(iv) the Mayor;

(v) the members of the City Council; and

(vi) all City agencies affected by the Plan.

(3) The Executive Director may seek additional neighborhood comment on the proposed plan before he or she adopts a final Plan.