§ 10-2. Findings and declarations.
(a) In general.
The Mayor and City Council finds and declares that serious adverse conditions in certain residential areas of the City result from motor vehicle congestion, particularly long-term parking of motor vehicles on the streets of those areas by nonresidents.
(b) Program intent.
The Permit Parking Program established by this subtitle is intended:
(1) to reduce hazardous traffic conditions resulting from the use of streets within these areas by nonresidents;
(2) to protect these areas from polluted air and thereby assist in attaining national ambient air quality standards as required by the Federal Clean Air Act;
(3) to protect these areas from excessive noise, trash and refuse caused by the entry of nonresident vehicles;
(4) to protect the residents of these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences;
(5) to preserve the residential character of those areas;
(6) to preserve the value of the property in those areas;
(7) to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians; and
(8) for the peace, good order, comfort, convenience, and welfare of the inhabitants of the City.