§ 10-37. Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area.
(a) Area delineated.
The Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area is the area bounded by the outer limits of North Avenue, the western bank of the Jones' Falls, the outer limits of Lawrence Street, Interstate I-95, and Monroe Street.
(b) Sections inapplicable.
(1) The Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area is not subject to § 10-13 {"Petition"}, § 10-14 {"Parking study"}, § 10-15 {"Criteria for further consideration"}, or Part V {"Non-Resident Parking Restrictions"} of this subtitle.
(2) For each block face to be considered, a petition must be submitted that contains the signature of an adult member of at least 60% of the households on the affected block face.
(c) Parking restrictions.
In the Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area, parking durations for non-permit holders may be restricted in whole or in part.
(d) Persons eligible.
(1) In the Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area, block faces that are residential in use are eligible for residential permit parking privileges.
(2) The residential permit parking program for stadium event restricted parking program - Area A (South Baltimore), Area B (Washington Village), and Area 5 (Ridgely's Delight) shall provide permits for the businesses located within Area A, Area B, and Area 5 to the same extent that they are provided to the residents.
(e) Area Committee.
(1) There shall be a Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area Committee.
(2) The Committee shall be composed of:
(i) representatives of existing residential permit parking areas, community associations, business associations, and religious, educational, and nonprofit institutions in the Camden Yards Stadium Complex area, to be appointed by the Executive Director of the Parking Authority;
(ii) the Commissioner of Police or the Commissioner's designee;
(iii) the Director of Transportation or the Director's designee; and
(iv) the Director of the Stadium Authority or the Director's designee.
(3) The Committee shall consider and make recommendations concerning any changes to the Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area.
(f) Application of section to other designated areas.
Any other Residential Permit Parking Area that falls, in whole or in part, within the Camden Yards Stadium Complex Area is subject to all provisions of this section.