City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-1. Pratt bookmobiles.

(a) In general.

The Enoch Pratt Free Library may park its vehicles for the display and lending of books, commonly known as bookmobiles, in areas where parking is permitted for limited periods of time, for the periods and at the locations that the Director of Transportation approves.

(b) Application.

Permission to park under this section may be granted only on written application by a duly authorized representative of the Enoch Pratt Free Library to the Director of Transportation.

(c) Permit required.

There shall be attached to each vehicle a special parking permit, as required by the Director of Transportation, showing the approval for each location where the bookmobile may be parked and the hours during which it may be parked at that location.

(d) Notice to Police Commissioner.

Sufficient notice of an intention to park a bookmobile in such a location shall be provided to the Police Commissioner in advance of the time when the bookmobile will be at a particular place, in order to facilitate the warning of other vehicles that the space will be reserved for the bookmobile for a specific time and location.