City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 14-22. Special conditions.

(a) Indemnification.

The issuance of a valet parking zone permit is conditioned on receipt of a written agreement by the host and by any contract-operator providing services under the permit that they each, jointly and severally, will save harmless and indemnify the Parking Authority of Baltimore City the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and their officers, agents, and employees from all suits, losses, claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses to which any of them is subjected as a result of a valet parking zone permit or the operation of valet parking services.

(b) Other conditions.

The Director of Transportation may impose reasonable limitations and conditions on any valet parking zone permit issued under this part as necessary or proper to:

(1) protect the public safety;

(2) protect the public's right to equal access of public property; and

(3) ensure that normal vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow is not unreasonably disrupted.