City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 14-41. Denials, suspensions, or revocations – Operator's license.

The Parking Authority, subject to the approval of the Director of Transportation, may deny, suspend, or revoke an operator's license or renewal license for any of the following causes:

(1) making any material false statement in any application for an operator's license or in any application or accompanying valet parking plan for a valet parking zone permit;

(2) failing to pay the applicable license fee on or before its due date;

(3) providing valet parking services in a way that endangers public safety;

(4) providing valet parking services that unreasonably disrupt vehicular or pedestrian traffic;

(5) violating any other provision of this subtitle, of a rule or regulation adopted under this subtitle, or of a limitation or condition imposed on a license or permit issued under this subtitle; or

(6) otherwise failing to meet the qualifications or other requirements of this subtitle for a license.