City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-47. Maintenance of private stops.

(a) Company to maintain.

(1) The Company or companies operating public passenger vehicles, trackless trolleys, or street railway cars discharging passengers within Baltimore City at bus, trackless trolley, or street railway car "Stops", heretofore or hereafter established, by public motor vehicles, trackless trolleys, or by street railway cars upon fixed routes shall, at its or their expense, maintain at each "Stop" the area or space of ground within the footway area of the streets adjacent to or within said "Stops", as designated and approved by the Director of Transportation and in a manner and with material approved by the Director, for the protection, safety, health, and welfare of the public of Baltimore City.

(b) Work by City on noncompliance.

(1) Upon the failure of any company or companies operating public passenger motor vehicles, trackless trolleys, or street railway cars receiving and discharging passengers within Baltimore City at bus, trackless trolley, or street railway car "Stops" heretofore or hereafter established, by public motor vehicles, trackless trolleys, or by street railway cars upon fixed routes, at its or their expense, to maintain at each "Stop" the area or space of ground within the footway area of the streets adjacent to or within said "Stops", as required by this section and after written notice from the Director of Transportation, the Director of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to place the area or space in a safe and satisfactory condition and to charge the cost thereof to company or companies in default.

(2) The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore is hereby authorized to recover, by suit or action at law, from the company or companies in default the cost of the work necessary to place said "Stops" in a satisfactory condition.