§ 2-6.1. Temporary parking restrictions.
(a) Scope of section.
(1) Except as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, this section applies whenever parking on a street is to be temporarily discontinued or otherwise restricted by the City or other person to accommodate construction, repair, or other work to be done on or adjacent to the street, or a special event.
(2) This section does not apply in the case of an emergency, where the work on or adjacent to the street must be done immediately to protect life, health, safety, or property.
(b) Prior notice – Posting.
(1) The City agency or other person responsible for work to be done shall post the affected area with advance notice of the parking restrictions at least 3 calendar days before the restrictions become effective.
(2) The posted notice shall include:
(i) the dates and times when the restrictions will be effective;
(ii) the name of the City agency or other person responsible for the work to be done or special event;
(iii) a brief description of the work to be done or special event; and
(iv) a phone number and email address at which further information can be obtained.
(c) Prior notice – Delivery.
(1) If a violation of the temporary parking restrictions will authorize impoundment, the City agency or other person responsible for the work to be done shall also give written notice to the occupants of the properties abutting the affected area at least 3 calendar days before the restrictions become effective.
(2) This written notice shall include:
(i) the information required by subsection (b) of this section for the posted notice; and
(ii) a prominent warning that the parking restrictions may be enforced by impoundment.