§ 22-9. Schedule of charges.
(a) Schedule to be filed.
(1) When applying for a license, the applicant shall file with the Police Commissioner a schedule that clearly sets forth that person's proposed charges for towing and for services incident to towing.
(2) These charges may be measured by mileage, time, and type of service.
(b) Maximum charges.
(1) Towing.
No matter how calculated, the towing charges may not exceed the amount of $150 per tow unless:
(i) the vehicle is a commercial vehicle under § 1-1(f) {"Definitions – A to L: Commercial Vehicle"} of this article; or
(ii) the tow of the vehicle:
(A) requires removal from an embankment, ditch, waterway, trench, hole, or heavily wooded area; or
(B) otherwise requires specialized and exceptional services for the vehicle's removal.
(2) Storage.
The schedule must set a maximum storage fee of no more than $50 per day.
(c) No change without amended schedule.
A licensee may not change the charges without filing with the Police Commissioner an amended schedule that shows the proposed changes.
(d) Rejection of schedule.
(1) The Police Commissioner may reject any proposed charges if, in the Commissioner's opinion, the charges are excessive for the service to be performed.
(2) In that case, the Commissioner shall return the proposed schedule or amended schedule to the applicant or licensee, as the case may be, with suitable notice of the reasons for rejecting it.