§ 31-22. Impoundment – Right to hearing.
(a) In general.
(1) The owner of a vehicle impounded under this Part 3, has the same right to contest the validity of the impoundment by requesting a hearing in the same manner as is provided for owners of vehicles impounded as abandoned under Part 4 of this subtitle, the provisions of which shall also apply to vehicles impounded under this Part 3.
(2) The hearing for the owner of a vehicle impounded pursuant to this Part 3 shall be provided within 72 hours, excluding Sundays and holidays, from the time said owner files an application for such hearing.
(b) Scope.
The right to the hearing provided for under this section applies equally to:
(1) an owner who elects to be heard prior to payment of any towing or storage charges and posting collateral equivalent to the maximum fines and penalties for unsatisfied parking violation citations; and
(2) to an owner who elects to pay such amounts and secure immediate release of the impounded vehicle.