§ 36-2. $500 fines.
(1) Parking or standing a commercial vehicle with a maximum gross vehicle weight of more than 20,000 pounds in violation of § 6-26(b) {"Stopping by residence"} or of § 6-26(c) {"Nighttime hours"} of this article is punishable by a fine of $500.
(2) Stopping or parking in a space reserved for disabled persons or helpers under § 6-9 {"Disabled persons"} or Subtitle 9 {"Disabled Persons and Helpers"} of this article is punishable by a fine of $500.
(3) Parking, stopping, or standing in violation of § 6-18 {"[U]nlawful dumping"} or § 6-19 {"[Waste hauler] without license displayed"} of this article is punishable by a fine of $500.
(4) Parking or standing a vendor truck in violation of § 6-28 {"Vendor trucks"} of this article is punishable by a fine of $500.