City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 36-22. Imposition of penalties.

(a) Notice to offender.

If a person fails to pay the appropriate fine for a violation by the date specified in the citation and fails to file a notice of intention to stand trial for the offense, a formal notice of the violation shall be sent to the owner's last known address.

(b) Penalties if not paid.

(1) If, within 15 days from the date of the notice, the citation has not been satisfied, the person who received the citation is liable for a penalty equal to the lesser of:

(i) $16 for each month or part of a month the citation remains unsatisfied; and

(ii) 10 times the amount of the fine imposed for the violation for which the citation was issued.

(2) If the person who received the citation agrees to a payment schedule acceptable to the Director of Finance or, if the matter has been referred to a collection agency, acceptable to that agency, the monthly penalty imposed under paragraph (1) of this subsection does not accrue while the person is making timely payments in accord with the agreed-to schedule.

(3) If the City has requested the State Motor Vehicle Administration to refuse registration or transfer of registration of the subject vehicle until the charge has been satisfied, a further penalty of $25 is imposed.

(4) These penalties are in addition to and may be collected in the same manner as the fines imposed by this subtitle.