§ 6-13. Public buildings.
(a) In general.
In the following locations, no vehicle is permitted to stand longer than actually necessary to take on or discharge passengers, baggage, freight, or merchandise:
(1) in front of the entrance to any church, theater, public dance or entertainment hall, or driveway (public or private);
(2) within 25 feet to any entrance to any hospital; or
(3) in front of any theater or place of amusement or in front of any exits or fire escapes from a theater or place of amusement, where performances or amusements are being held, or where persons in large numbers are assembled.
(b) Shipping entrances.
No vehicle is permitted to stand longer than actually necessary to take on or discharge passengers, baggage, merchandise, or freight in front of any shipping or receiving entrance to business houses and other places where "No Parking" spaces have been established by the Director of Transportation and designated by proper signs or markings.
(c) Municipal property.
No vehicle, not belonging to the Police Department, Fire Department, or other municipal departments, is permitted to stand longer than actually necessary to take on or discharge passengers, baggage, merchandise, or freight in any space reserved by appropriate signs or markings, provided by the Director of Transportation, in front of any public building or other places for the parking of vehicles belonging to the a municipal department.