§ 1-308. "Industrial: General" to "Lot: Interior".
(a) Industrial: General.
(1) In general.
"Industrial: General" means the processing, manufacturing, or compounding of materials, products, or energy, having impacts on the environment or significant impacts on the use and enjoyment of adjacent property in terms of noise, smoke, fumes, odors, glare, or health and safety hazards.
(2) Inclusions.
"Industrial: General" includes:
(i) the storage of large volumes of toxic or highly flammable matter or explosives; and
(ii) outdoor operations as part of the processing, manufacturing, or compounding process.
(3) Exclusions.
"Industrial: General" does not include or authorize any use prohibited by § 1-218 {"Uses prohibited citywide"} of this title.
(b) Industrial: Light.
(1) In general.
"Industrial: Light" means the processing, manufacturing, assembly, or compounding of materials or products, where:
(i) all processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, and packaging of products are contained entirely within a building;
(ii) noise, odor, smoke, heat, glare, and vibration resulting from the manufacturing process are confined within the building or otherwise minimized; and
(iii) only minimal truck traffic is required for daily operations.
(2) Inclusions.
"Industrial: Light" includes incidental storage, sales, and distribution of products manufactured or stored on site.
(3) Exclusions.
"Industrial: Light" does not include or authorize any use prohibited by § 1-218 {"Uses prohibited citywide"} of this title.
(c) Industrial: Maritime-dependent.
(1) In general.
"Industrial: Maritime-dependent" means industrial uses with maritime-dependent facilities.
(2) Inclusions.
"Industrial: Maritime-dependent" includes:
(i) facilities associated with marine terminals for the storage or intermodal transfer of goods transported in waterborne commerce;
(ii) manufacturing facilities relying on the bulk receipt or shipments of goods by waterborne commerce;
(iii) wharves, piers, docks, and storage facilities for the commercial fishing industry;
(iv) dry docks and other facilities related to the construction, servicing, storage, maintenance, or repair of vessels and other marine structures;
(v) facilities for tow boats, barges, dredges, ferries, commuter boats, water buses, water taxis, or other vessels engaged in waterborne commerce, port operations, or marine construction; and
(vi) facilities that:
(A) are educational in nature, including visitors centers, museums, and interpretive areas, indoor or outdoor; and
(B) are substantially related to an existing industrial maritime-dependent use, whether on the same parcel or an adjacent parcel to that use.
(d) Interior lot.
See "Lot: Interior."
(e) Interior-side lot line.
See "Lot line: Interior-side."
(f) Junk or scrap storage and yards.
(1) "Processed metal" defined.
(i) In general.
"Processed metal" means scrap metal that has been manually or physically altered either to separate it into distinct materials to enhance economic value or to improve the handling of materials.
(ii) Inclusions.
"Processed metal" includes:
(A) scrap metal that has been baled, shredded, sheared, chopped, crushed, flattened, cut, melted, or separated; and
(B) fines, drosses, and related materials that have been agglomerated.
(2) "Junk or scrap storage and yards" defined.
"Junk or scrap storage and yards" means any premises used for any 1 or more of the following:
(i) the commercial or industrial storage, temporary or otherwise, of unprocessed metal, processed metal, wastepaper, rags, or other junk;
(ii) the purchase or sale, by weight across an on-site scale, of unprocessed metal, processed metal, wastepaper, rags, or other junk; or
(iii) the sorting, baling, separating, shearing, shredding, or torch preparation of metal or any other form of scrap-metal processing, including automobile flattening and crushing.
(g) Kennel.
(1) In general.
"Kennel" means a business or other entity where 3 or more dogs or cats over 6 months old are boarded or maintained by a person other than their owner, and boarding is the primary or principal function of the use.
(2) Exclusions.
"Kennel" does not include:
(i) the premises of a feral cat caregiver, as defined in City Health Code § 10-101 {"Animal Control...: Definitons"}, unless 3 or more dogs or non-feral cats over six 6 months old are boarded or maintained on the premises; or
(ii) an animal clinic, unless it engages in the boarding of healthy animals not then being treated or convalescing from treatment in the animal clinic.
(h) Landfill: Industrial.
(1) In general.
"Landfill: Industrial" means a facility for the disposal of inert, non-hazardous industrial materials that are not biodegradable and are not economically and beneficially reusable at the time of their disposal.
(2) Exclusions.
"Landfill: Industrial" does not include a facility for the disposal of:
(i) household, commercial, or municipal solid waste;
(ii) rubble; or
(iii) land-clearing debris.
(i) Landfill: Solid waste sanitary.
" Landfill: Solid waste sanitary" means a facility for the disposal of primarily household, commercial, and municipal solid waste.
(j) Light food processing.
See "Food processing: Light".
(k) Light industrial.
See "Industrial: Light".
(l) Live entertainment.
See "Entertainment: Live".
(m) Lighting: Shielded.
"Lighting: Shielded" means a fixture that is shielded in a manner so that light rays emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture or a reflector, are projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest point on the fixture where light is emitted.
(n) Lighting: Unshielded.
"Lighting: Unshielded" means a fixture that allows light, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture or a reflector, to be emitted above the horizontal plane running through the lowest point on the fixture where light is emitted.
(o) Live-work dwelling.
See "Dwelling: Live-Work".
(p) Loading berth.
"Loading berth" means a space within a loading facility that:
(1) is exclusively for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading goods or materials; and
(2) adjoins a street, alley, or other appropriate means of access.
(q) Lodge or social club.
(1) In general.
"Lodge or social club" means a lodge or social club that:
(i) has a limited membership, with members elected pursuant to its charter or bylaws;
(ii) excludes the general public from its premises or place of meeting;
(iii) is organized with officers and directors elected pursuant to its charter or bylaws; and
(iv) holds all property for the common benefit of its members.
(2) Inclusions.
"Lodge or social club" includes:
(i) a union hall; and
(ii) a non-residential post-baccalaureate fraternity and sorority center.
(3) Exclusions.
"Lodge or social club" does not include an establishment that permits non-members to pay a temporary membership fee at the door in order to enter and use the premises.
(r) Lot.
"Lot" means a portion of land that:
(1) is a lot of record; or
(2) has been established as a lot by an approved subdivision plat.
(s) Lot area.
"Lot area" means the area of a horizontal plane bounded by lot lines at grade.
(t) Lot: Corner.
"Lot: Corner" means a lot that is situated at the junction of and adjoins 2 or more intersecting streets.
(u) Lot coverage.
"Lot coverage" means the portion of a lot that is occupied by buildings or other structures, including accessory structures, expressed as a percentage of total lot area.
(v) Lot: Interior.
"Lot: Interior" means a lot that is neither a corner lot nor a through lot.