City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 15-202. Continued conformity with yard, etc., requirements.

(a) In general.

The maintenance of required yards, other open-space, and minimum lot area for a structure is a continuing obligation of the owner of the structure and of the owner of the property on which the structure is located, as long as the structure exists.

(b) No reallocation to another structure.

No required yard, other open-space, or minimum lot area allocated to a structure may, by virtue of a change of ownership or for any other reason, be used to satisfy yard, other open-space, or minimum lot area requirements for any other structure.

(c) Yards, etc., to be on same lot as structure.

All yards and other open spaces allocated to a structure must be located on the same lot as the structure.

(d) Division or subdivision of lot.

No lot may be divided or subdivided in a way that would violate any provision of this Code applicable to the original lot or to the resulting lots.