City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-206. Prohibited uses of off-street parking and loading spaces.

(a) Other than for motor vehicles, bicycles.

All off-street parking spaces required by this title may only be used for the parking of motor vehicles and bicycles.

(b) Storing vehicles for sales or hire.

In no event may required parking spaces be used for the temporary or permanent storage of vehicles for sale or hire.

(c) Vehicle repair or service.

No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind, except emergency repair service, is permitted in any off-street parking space.

(d) Using space allocated to loading space to meet req't for parking space or vice-versa.

No space allocated to an off-street loading space may be used to satisfy the requirement for an off-street parking space or access aisle, or portion of either. Conversely, the area allocated to an off-street parking space may not be used to satisfy the requirement for an off-street loading space or portion of a space.