§ 16-401. Location of off-street parking.
(a) On-site of use or structure served..
Unless otherwise permitted by this title, all off-street parking facilities must be located on the same lot as the use or structure served.
(b) Front yard prohibited in certain commercial districts.
In the C-1, C-1-E, C-1-VC, and C-2 Districts, off-street parking is prohibited in front of the front building line.
(c) Off-site facilities
(1) Off-street parking facilities may be located off-site if:
(i) the parking facilities are located in a zoning district where this parking is permitted or allowed as a conditional use;
(ii) the land on which the off-site parking facilities are located is within 600 feet of the lot line of the use or structure served; and
(iii) the off-site parking facilities are on a lot possessed by the record titleholder of the lot occupied by the structure or use to be served by the parking facilities.
(2) For the purposes of this subsection, possession of the facilities may be by either:
(i) deed; or
(ii) 20-year or longer recorded deed restriction.
(3) The location of the off-site parking facilities and the term and contents of the deed or deed restriction permitting the owner of the use or structure served to use the off-site facilities are subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator. The deed or deed restriction must be recorded in the Land Records of Baltimore City, binding the owner of that lot and the owner's heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of parking spaces for the duration of the use served or the term of the deed or deed restriction, whichever first terminates.
(d) Valet service.
Notwithstanding the restrictions of subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section, a use may utilize a valet service in accordance with City Code Article 31, Subtitle 14 {"Valet Parking"}. However, the off-site parking facility must provide the required number of spaces. The use must certify that valet service will be used and that the required number of spaces has been provided.
(e) PC Subdistricts.
In a PC Subdistrict, off-street parking may be located off-site as long as the required parking facilities are located in that or any other PC Subdistrict.