City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-403. Access.

(a) In general.

(1) Parking space connection to aisle or driveway.

Each off-street space must open directly onto an aisle or driveway wide enough to provide adequate means of vehicular access to the parking space.

(2) Least interference with other vehicles.

All off-street parking facilities must provide appropriate means of vehicular access in a manner that least interferes with traffic movement and in a way that permits vehicles to enter or leave the parking spaces without having to move any other vehicle.

(b) Access to be from street, alley, driveway, or easement.

All required off-street parking facilities must have vehicular access from a street, an alley at least 10 feet wide, a driveway, or cross-access easement connection.

(c) When access from alley required.

In the residential and commercial districts, if off-street parking areas can be accessed from an alley at least 15 feet wide, access from the alley is required and new curb cuts along the public right-of-way are prohibited.

(d) One-way traffic aisles as in Table.

Within off-street parking facilities, one-way traffic aisles must either be designed:

(1) in accordance with Table 16-402{: Off-Street Parking Dimensions}; or

(2) as reviewed by the Site Plan Review Committee and approved by the Director of Planning.