City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-501. Collective and alternating shared parking.

(a) Collective parking.

(1) Off-street parking spaces for separate uses may be provided collectively if the aggregate number of spaces provided is not less than the sum of the spaces required in Table 16-501: Collective Parking Calculation. Table 16-501 is applied as provided in this subsection.

(2) The required number of spaces for each use is calculated according to Table 16-406: Required Off-Street Parking.

(3) The required number of spaces for each use is then applied to the percentages shown in Table 16-501 for each applicable time frame and the appropriate land use category, to determine the number of required spaces.

(4) The number of spaces are added for all land uses within each time frame, and the highest sum total in a time frame is the required number of spaces.

(b) Alternately shared parking arrangements.

(1) An off-street parking facility may be alternately shared between 2 or more uses, as long as the use of that facility by each user does not occur at the same time. Alternately shared parking arrangements must meet the conditions set forth in this subsection.

(2) The Zoning Administrator must confirm that the use of the facility by each user does not take place at the same hours during the same days of the week.

(3) The users of the alternating shared parking arrangement must record an agreement to share the parking facilities, subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator. A copy of the recorded agreement must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator.

(4) The off-site parking facilities must be located within 600 feet of the lot line of the use or structure served.

(5) Any subsequent change in ownership or use must require proof that the minimum parking requirements, per this title, have been met for each use. The owner of an existing building or use has 180 days within which to accommodate required off-street parking or to apply for a variance. If the owner is unable to accommodate the parking or apply for a variance, then the use permit is revoked with respect to the use for which the separate parking was required. The use permit will be reinstated when all applicable provisions of this title are complied with. As an alternative to a variance, a new shared parking agreement may be arranged in accordance with this subsection.