§ 16-901. Design of off-street loading spaces.
(a) Location.
All off-street loading spaces must be located on the same lot as the building or use served. No off-street loading space may project into a public right-of-way. No off-street loading space may be located in a front yard.
(b) Dimensions
(1) All required off-street loading spaces must be at least 12 feet wide and 35 feet long, exclusive of aisle and maneuvering space, and must have a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet. However, a larger loading space may be required through site plan review.
(2) All structures that, on June 5, 2017, maintain loading spaces that do not comply with the dimensions required by this section are considered to be legally conforming in terms of loading space dimensions. If new loading spaces are constructed, those spaces must match the dimensions of the existing loading spaces rather than those of this section.
(c) Surfacing.
All off-street loading spaces must be paved with a durable, all-weather material, such as concrete or asphalt. Semi-pervious materials may also be used, subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation and verification that the materials can support the weight of vehicles and their loads.
(d) Drainage and maintenance.
(1) Off-street loading facilities must be drained to eliminate standing water and prevent damage to adjoining property or public streets.
(2) Off-street loading areas must be maintained in a clean, orderly, and dust-free condition.
(e) Access control and signage.
Each off-street loading space must be designed with adequate means of vehicular access to a street that is at least 15 feet wide in a manner that will minimize interference with traffic movement.
(f) Lighting.
Loading facility lighting must be in accordance with § 15-505 {"Exterior lighting"} of this Code. Illumination of an off-street loading facility must be arranged so as to deflect the direct rays of light away from adjacent properties and streets.
(g) Landscaping and screening.
All loading facilities must be landscaped and screened from public view in accordance with the requirements of the Baltimore City Landscape Manual.