§ 17-309. Maximum area and maximum quantity.
(a) In general.
Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section or as otherwise provided in this article:
(1) the "maximum area per sign" specified in Table 17-201: Sign Regulations is the maximum area allowed for each sign per sign type allowed;
(2) the "maximum quantity" specified in Table 17- 201: Sign Regulations is the total number of signs per sign type allowed; and
(3) the aggregate maximum sign area per sign type is calculated by multiplying the "maximum area per sign" by the 'maximum quantity" of that sign type as specified in Table 17-201: sign regulations.
(b) Exception.
(1) In general.
Any sign that is required by the City Building, Fire, and Related Codes and that is 2 square feet or less does not count towards:
(i) the allowable maximum quantity specified in Table 17- 201: Sign Regulations:
(ii) the maximum area per sign specified in Table 17- 201: Sign Regulations; or
(iii) the maximum cumulative area of signage specified in Table 17-306: Maximum Cumulative Area of Signs.
(2) Signs over 2 square feet.
Any sign over 2 square feet or any sign described in paragraph (1) of this subsection is subject to the applicable rules of this title, Table 17-201: Sign Regulations, and Table 17-306: Maximum Cumulative Areas of Signs.