§ 17-401. A-frame signs.
(a) In general.
A-frame signs are allowed only:
(1) for non-residential uses; and
(2) in the zoning districts specified in this title or in Table 17-201: Sign Regulations.
(b) Regulations.
(1) Placement generally.
An A-frame sign:
(i) may only be placed:
(A) on the same property as the non-residential use to which it relates, within 30 feet of that use's primary entrance; or
(B) on the right-of-way in front of that property; and
(ii) may not:
(A) interfere with pedestrian traffic; or
(B) violate standards of accessibility as required by the ADA or other accessibility codes.
(2) Times and weather.
(i) Times.
An A-frame sign may only be placed outdoors between hours of operation. The sign must be stored indoors at all other times.
(ii) Inclement weather.
An A-frame sign may not be placed outdoors during high-wind or heavy-rain conditions. The sign must be stored indoors during these conditions.