§ 17-403. Attention-getting devices.
(a) Prohibition.
(1) The erection, placement, or construction of attention-getting devices is prohibited in the R-1-A through R-10, R-MU, OR-1, OR-2, and EC-1 Zoning Districts.
(2) The City may not issue permits for these signs or devices in these zoning districts.
(b) Regulations.
(1) Attention-getting devices are subject to the following regulations.
(2) Attention-getting devices may not be erected or maintained in any location or in any manner that could endanger the public safety, interfere with or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular travel, or create a traffic safety problem.
(3) Attention-getting devices may not be erected or maintained within any public right-of-way.
(4) As a condition of a building permit, requirements may be imposed on the material, manner of construction, and method of erection as are reasonably necessary to assure the safety and convenience of the public.
(5) No inflatable promotional device may exceed 15 feet in height or the height of the of the principal building to which it relates, whichever is lower. No inflatable promotional device may be mounted on the roof of a structure.